Daily Archives: September 20, 2011

Writing Me: Where I’m From {Kim}

I am from corn fields, football games and popcorn.  Swimming all day and skinny dipping at night.  I am from fireworks by the pool and catching lightning bugs.  I am from Yahtzee, Dominoes, and Wheel of Fortune.  I am from peanut butter toast, rootbeer and Cheezies for lunch.
I am from sleeping on a cot in the front room while listening to Grandma’s clock.  From Buffet dining to Grandpa’s steaks.
I am from running around the cul-de-sac in my swimsuit and sunburns.  Metal swing sets and a chain link fence.  Coming home when the street lights come on, then going right back out to play more games.
I am from making up plays with my siblings and the neighbor kids to show all the adults.  I am from imaginary friends and make believe.
From babysitting all the neighbor kids, just like my sister and brother did.
I’m from vacations at the State Park, and World’s of Fun. Long car rides and playing “Woah” in the station wagon.
I am from Spook Walks, trick or treating, and great costumes.
I’m from sleep overs, Tony’s Pizza, Coke and Dance Party USA.
I’m from learning about Baltimore, Hairspray, big dogs, crab bakes and best friends.
I am from Thanksgivings with cousins, Aunts and Uncles.  I am from playing on the farm, in the corn silo and riding the horses.
I am from Christmas morning casserole, Mom’s cinnamon rolls, ham and lots of hugs and kisses.
I am from “I wish I had your figure and you had a feather”, playing Beauty Shop, perms from Grandma, and swimming to get clean.
I am from bike riding, playing Star Wars, watching The Wizard of Oz, and playing with my brothers.
From being an Aunt at 13 and being the “cool aunt” to becoming a Mom myself one day.
I am from falling asleep listening to Mom and Dad play piano/violin duets, dreams of being famous, and singing in Church with the family.
From dance classes, rainbow wallpaper, and a Garfield telephone…IN MY ROOM!
Moving in 6th grade, then again in 10th.  From cleaning out the house twice after it flooded.  From the smell of mildew all over everything when we went in to clean it up.
From new schools, new friends, laughing late at night and sneaking in early in the morning.
Watching the Newsies at lunch, going to Olive Garden on Homecoming with my special someone when neither of us had dates.  Not caring about Prom and that I didn’t get asked.  Swimming in the Great Salt Lake and hiking in the mountains.
I am from so many different places, and all of these things make me.


Kim Kim is a Mama to 5 beautiful children, 4 living. She is married to the love of her life. She talks about homebirth, knitting, cloth diapering, babywearing and more at her blog, PrairieMama.


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