Category Archives: Bigger Picture Moments

Bigger Picture Moments: A Finale


Life is so complex, isn’t it?

That beauty can spawn from a seedling, something so impossibly small and seemingly simple, or that it can rise from the blackened soil, something else so ordinary, gives me pause, especially in the spring when life and color bursts forth after the blanket of winter.

How different the landscape, even life looks when that season turns; I’m reminded this time of year how grateful I am for seasons even in all of their complexity.

Here at Bigger Picture Blogs, the seasons are changing, too. Last week, after much discussion and prayer and thought, the writers who organize Bigger Picture Blogs made the hard decision that this season of collective collaboration here at BPB was ready to come to a close.

We each have a story to tell about how we arrived at our individual decisions, which led to a collective decision, and likely a few of us will write about that today and link up. Regardless of those reasons that brought forth the close of this season, though, we wanted share a few thoughts about what this time has meant to us:

We love and value each other and our friends here so very much. We cherish the time spent here creating and encouraging, growing and flourishing and hope to still connect through our individual blogs and social media. The friendships established here have been saving graces and gifts, and the time spent reflecting on life’s bigger pictures weekly has led to moments of clarity, gratitude and growth.

While we’ll really miss sharing our Bigger Picture Moments every week like we have for nearly three years, we must be honest and share that this is our last official planned link up; future collaboration is always a possibility, as we love each other and everyone who links weekly, but we simply have no plans in the works to resume. I’m sure many of us will continue writing Bigger Picture Moments each week despite having no official link up, so let’s keep in touch like we have please!

Though this season is coming to a close, I’m reminded as I look at the bright blossoms of a blooming bush in all of its glory, that when one season season, a new one gently saunters in and brings with it new, complex beauty. And the newness never erases the growth established in seasons passed; it only makes way for new growth to build and blossom.

We pray you’ll continue to embrace creativity and let it flourish in your lives as we each explore the landscape of this new season. Thank you for walking with us during this season of life. May our paths continue to cross in the new ones ahead.

With deep affection and gratitude,
Hyacynth, on behalf of Alita, Brook, Jade and Melissa, and well, you know, myself

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Bigger Picture Moments: May 2, 2013

Everyday is made up of millions of little moments.

Little moments of clarity, understanding, creativity, beauty, among the chaos of motherhood and life. Those little moments many times offer us a glimpse of the Bigger Picture. The breath of fresh air that gets us through the mundane day to day tasks. A little push, or validation that we might just be doing things right.

Too often we get caught up in the busyness of the day to day. Caught up in the doing of the moment rather than the living of the moment. We focus on the to do lists, the errands, the obligations. We loose sight of the little things. The small moments of beauty. The Simple Moments that make up the Bigger Picture.


We want to take time and see our simple moments.

We want to see yours.

Won’t you join us today? Reflect upon something simple — or simply magical — that’s resonated with you this week, then share it with us!

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Bigger Picture Moments

Every week, we take the time to breathe in for a moment and see what we can capture about the greater picture of our lives, to move outside the mundane and see the divine. Last week, we had these beautiful words of inspiration from May at Achieving Clarity:

None of us knows how much time we have in this life, though the number of days would never feel enough no matter how many we were allotted.  So, time becomes a precious commodity, and I become frugal as I spend it, carefully weighing  the value of each experience I receive in exchange for my golden moments.

How true is that? How simple, and yet profound. What have you captured in the quiet breaths of this week?

If you’re in need of extra inspiration, our theme for April is PLANT. Whether we’re celebrating the arrival of spring in the evidence of plants all around us, placing something in the ground so it can grow, planting ideas, or planting ourselves, in April we will spend time ruminating on the growth of great things from small beginnings.

So what are planting this week? Share with us HERE!

As always, please link back to this post in your post and PLEASE VISIT AT LEAST the person linked before you! Creativity flourishes in community!


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