Birthday Week Celebration Coffee Date with Ginny

In celebration of the Bigger Picture Blogs community turning one year old this Thursday, June 23, we’re featuring a few friends who have made the journey of this past year so sweet and so memorable. If you want depth, these ladies have it. And once a connection is made, they are loyal friends. Won’t you grab a cup of tea or coffe, say hello, introduce yourself and stay awhile as celebrate the very best part of our community!?

Don’t forget to stop by our birthday party Thursday at Undercover Mother. Share your favorite Bigger Picture Moment at the link up, and visit some other favorites! {And stick around for a few treats at the party!}

Coffee Date: Ginny Marie of Lemon Drop Pie

Twitter: @LemonDropPie

Ginny Marie has been an inspirational part of our Bigger Picture Blogs community. Memorably, she participated this past October during our first-ever Write Pink: From the Head, Heart and Feet carnival to raise awareness for breast cancer. A breast-cancer survivor, she is passionate about raising awareness through writing and action. Her thoughtful, honest, slice-of-life Bigger Picture Moments are often thought-provoking and rich, making it a blessing to read her thoughts, and her genuine encouragement of others on the journey of intentional living is  much appreciated.

Ginny Marie lives in suburbia in a major metropolitian area with her husband and two beautiful little girls.

What the Bigger Picture Picture Blogs community has meant to her:

“’Tis a gift to be simple,’ so the Shaker folksong goes. Put simply, being a part of Bigger Picture Blogs makes me want to write.
As I read about the beauty of tall grasses seen from a car window, I want to write.
As I gaze at photo taken of a child’s muddy footprint, I want to write.
As I reflect on others’ writings, I want to write.
And if I write half as well as the other members of this community, then I am pleased.
Out of all the thousands of blogs out there – snarky blogs, blogs that use excessive swearing, blogs that are super critical of everything — I’m glad that I found such a positive community.
It seems like a simple thing, this community, and it is…a simple thing that makes up the Bigger Picture. I’m glad to be a part of it.”

7 responses to “Birthday Week Celebration Coffee Date with Ginny

  1. We love you, Ginny!! 🙂

  2. “… being a part of Bigger Picture Blogs makes me want to write.” Exactly, Ginny! 🙂

  3. We’re glad you’re part of the community to Ginny! You inspire us at least as much as we inspire you!

  4. Oh, Ginny, you are so sweet! I know exactly what you mean about wanting to avoid all the snark that is so rampant. Sometimes it’s nice to just breathe peacefully and joyfully and hopefully — I’m glad that you’re part of this community which helps spread those ideals 🙂

  5. Oh, words straight out of my heart, dear. I totally agree about the snark, etc. and am so glad to have found you too, through BPM.

  6. There are a lot of “snarky” blogs out there, eh? Sometimes I worry that my sarcastic sense of humor may get confused with that, but you are correct. Bigger Picture Blogs is positive. And YOU make ME want to write. I’m so much more visual, it’s what I read that inspires me. This whole group is inspiring.

    Thank YOU!

  7. Pingback: Reminiscing on the Party | Bigger Picture Blogs

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