Writing Me…I Am {Jade}

Welcome to Writing Me: Part III, a community writing project to celebrate creative inspiration collectively, and as individuals. For the next few weeks, we will be writing the I Am Poem. Be sure to link yours up! This week, we’re sharing Jade’s.

I am…a long story.
I wonder how to capture awe
I hear the golden chorus of epiphanies
I see them hiding in the shades of grey.
I want everything, all at once.
I am open hope. I can’t turn away.

I pretend I am not afraid.
I feel my way blind through black, loamy jungle and itchy, scratchy twine. I think in the distance, I smell lavender, the promise where
I touch the Divine.
I worry I won’t get there.
I cry about the mistakes I don’t know I’ve made.
I am reaching. I am aware.

I understand when you turn away from me, though I may not know why.
I say, this is me. I come as you see me. I come as I am.
I dream in colors so vivid I can feel them; I believe in Truth, even when it’s not polite.
I try to speak it, to listen, so I hear it resonate, even if it dares only whisper sometimes, childlike, and in the night.
I hope to be the spyglass, the lens to bring it into sharper focus.
Hands and feet are all alight;
I am the sunflower, turning face upwards high.

Jade is a former academic who left university life to pursue a dream of writing novels and helping fight child exploitation. She lives in Thailand with her husband and dog and can be found ruminating and picture taking at Tasting Grace. 

3 responses to “Writing Me…I Am {Jade}

  1. I will say it though I know I sound like a broken record: your words, they are music to listening ears. I identify so much with the written out pieces that make up the whole you. Lovely, Jade.

  2. This is perfectly gorgeous, Jade. I agree with Hyacynth’s musical interpretation — your ebb and flow in sentence, in entirety, it’s so compelling.

    I loved these parts in particular:
    golden choruses hiding in shades of grey
    crying about mistakes you don’t know you’ve made
    ‘I am the sunflower, turning face upwards high.’

    Your ‘I Am’ is truly insightful and beautiful. So, I’d say you captured yourself perfectly 😉

  3. Pingback: We Are.. {Writing Me Wrap-up} | Bigger Picture Blogs

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