Bigger Picture Blogs SECOND Birthday Celebration {Round One!}

If the best gifts, indeed, come wrapped in skin complete with beating hearts and souls, then we aremost definitely the recipients of two amazing presents this week as we celebrate the Bigger Picture Blogs community’s SECOND birthday!


Two fabulously warm and inspiring women who are passionate about what we do best around here at BPB — community and creativity — have joined as community leaders.

Corinne, who writes at Weaving in the Ends, is the kind of writer who doesn’t simply tell; rather she shows us honest glimpses of her life that in turn reflect back the very pieces of our very own lives. Her honest writing about motherhood, love, every-day life and the seashore make us feel like she’s the friend whose invited us into the comforts of her home for a cup of tea and good conversation. Her creativity spans beyond the written word, too; she’s a fabulous knitter and has a knack for capturing the essence of a moment through photograph.


Learn more about Corinne.

Corinne is one of the original founders of BPB, and we are beyond glad to welcome her back! She will be encouraging our creativity through developing stretching Writing Me prompts as well as facilitating future Writing Circles.

Founder and writer at Redhead Reverie, Brook gives us honest and often-hilarious glimpses into the very-full life she leads. As runner and mom the mom of two boys, she’s no stranger to action, and she shares the action-packed details of her busy days as well as the deep thoughts penetrating her mind in such genuineness that we leave her space feeling like we’ve just had a conversation rather than simply read words on a screen. Brook works full time at a job that allows her the space she needs to thrive in other areas of life, too, and spends her weekend soaking up time with her family and waiting for Hawkeye football season to rev up.


Learn more about Brook.

Brook will be encouraging us to get creative every Monday by sharing inspiration and feeding us enticing prompts for #BPCreates over on the BPB Facebook page.

It’s with absolute delight and joy and definite celebration that we welcome Corinne and Brook. Please extend a very warm welcome and go say hello if you’ve not already had the opportunity!

Also, don’t forget that this week we’ll be celebrating our birthday both Wednesday and Thursday. Connect with other like-minded writers and artists and challenge your creativity by getting involved in the festivities !

One response to “Bigger Picture Blogs SECOND Birthday Celebration {Round One!}

  1. Corinne is one of the best people I have come to know through blogging. She is a warm person and yes! I haven’t met her but I just know she is that kind of a person. I am glad to be a friend. I just read her post regarding joining back at BPB and I am really glad for her 🙂

    Congrats Corinne. xoxo

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