Writing Me: Tradition {Adrienne}

‘Tis the season of hayrides and pumpkin pies, costumes and candy corn, drifting leaves that turn into falling snow and crisp mornings with flannel sheets and chunky sweaters that lend way to days full of tradition. What does the word tradition make you think of? What does it make you feel? Is there a tradition you partake in every year, or one from your childhood that stands out?

Take the word TRADITION and tell us what it means to you.

Go where your words and recollections take you. A few lines, or dozens, in whatever form moves you, write as your heart responds to the prompt.

Today’s post comes to us from Adrienne:

Christmas Eve

Take me back, not to his

Roots, not to mine…but to ours.

Awaken memories of little ones and

Days gone by…

It’s on December the twenty-fourth, when

The beef fondue, funny forks and sauces

Invite us to the table, that

Our history captivates us,

Nurtures us and makes us forever one.

Adrienne is a 51 year old “empty nester” who loves scrapbooking, blogging, photography and camping. She shares her love for God, her family and her hobbies on her blog My Memory Art.Though it’s her job as office manager that helps ‘pay the rent’, it’s the creative, crafty stuff that she considers to be her real work.



We would love to feature you {yes, YOU!} and your piece here on Bigger Picture Blogs. We would love to encourage and support our community in this writing exercise, and we hope you all will join us! Click HERE to find out more!

2 responses to “Writing Me: Tradition {Adrienne}

  1. Fun! Love what you did here, Adrienne. And what a great tradition. I can just imagine gathering around, dipping and laughing. We have to try this at my house!

  2. Pingback: Tradition… {writing me wrap up} | Bigger Picture Blogs

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