Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

Simple Moments make up the Bigger Picture

Everyday is made up of millions of little moments.

Little moments of clarity, understanding, creativity, beauty, among the chaos of motherhood and life. Those little moments many times offer us a glimpse of the Bigger Picture. The breathe of fresh air that gets us through the mundane day to day tasks. A little push, or validation that we might just be doing things right.


Too often we get caught up in the busyness of the day to day. Caught up in the doing of the moment rather than the living of the moment. We focus on the to do lists, the errands, the obligations. We loose sight of the little things. The small moments of beauty. The Simple Moments that make up the Bigger Picture.

We want to take time and see our simple moments.

We want to see yours.

Every Thursday we want you to share with us your Simple Moments of the past week. Sometimes those moments will be something that helps you see the Bigger Picture. Sometimes it’s will be just a simple moment caught on camera, expressed with words. Warm folded laundry, time spent between generations,  a journey of faith, watching your little men grow,  or just the silly moments that are the characters in your house.

What you share isn’t as important ans taking the time to sit down and focus on those Simple Moments. To embrace and remember the moments no matter how small, because they all make up the Bigger Picture of our lives.

So grab our NEW button and share your moment with us over at Sarah’s place this week.

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We can’t wait to see them!